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  • Writer's pictureSentinel

Welcome to Sentinel - Mk2

Updated: Jun 24

Welcome to the new us, as you can see, we have revamped ourselves, given ourselves a makeover and feel so much better for it.

So welcome to Sentinel, we are on a mission to change the face of compliance.

We often hear that the reason advisers leave their profession is partly due to the cost of compliance, and we know the consumer duty has also been cited. We hope to reverse some of this, as we do think good compliance should be affordable and cost shouldn't be a barrier.

Our compliance careers span many years within the advice sector, we have worked for insurance companies, large networks, large nationals, SME's and latterly freelance and consultancy. Having both been T&C supervisors for years, we have supervised hundreds of advisers both IFAs mortgage and GI.

Whilst our service comprises of normal compliance support, we love training. Good training for everyone is crucial to not only being compliance aware, protecting the consumer and protecting the firm. So, you will see lots of training we can supply, and this is by no means the complete list. So let us know if you need anything specific, and we will be doing some free 'back to basics' webinars open to everyone, so keep an eye on our events and / or LinkedIn

We have downloadable documents, help yourself, most are free and this goes back to our principle of cost barriers, where we do charge it is because it's bespoke to you, or an awful lot of work has gone into it. Why are we giving things away? well we know that our profession is built on sharing things, and having worked for many firms we have seen things pop up again and again that we have seen elsewhere, which is funny. Also with Ai, things that took days to do now takes seconds, which is great as life really is too short.

The new business register and the ongoing service registers are based on the feedback from the FCA's thematic review TR24/1 Retirement Income, where insufficient management information was noted. Hopefully, everything is covered in these two spreadsheets that are on both the data request and also the feedback.

The good news is Ai will do a lot of the compliance in the not too distant future, and anyone who has dabbled with ChatGPT will know just what this means, again reducing both compliance time and money. Exciting times, we really do mean this by the way

So please, get in touch for a chat about how we can help you, or a rant about compliance costs. Always here to listen


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